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Behind every resilient person, is an army of encouraging people championing you.

I would NOT be where I am today - ready to experience joy - without the following people:


1.  My family - I lost my mom when I was 27 and my older sister Joni became my surrogate mom.  She has been there for me through it all and has demonstrated what it means to serve others and be resilient like none other.  My father is the single most brilliant man I have ever known and  has been even more vital to me as an adult than he ever was as a child. He has taught me to get back up, dust yourself off and never give up.  My son Jackson gave me the gift of motherhood and I am forever grateful for the 22 years that he called me "Momma." My daughters, Audrey and Avery, are my light and the reason I get up every morning.  My sister from another mister, Stacey, has been the most supportive and unconditional friend and everyone needs a friend like her.  Thank you all for loving me the incredible way you each do.


2.  My tribe and flower minions - too many to name - thank you for unconditionally loving and supporting me.  Your hard (free) labor has been so invaluable! You all give me so much confidence and courage to live out one of my dreams.


3.  My Chi Omega Sisters from Texas A&M - sororities often get a bad rap.  I had the best experience and met lifelong friends that have celebrated me over the years and then carried me through the very worst thing that can happen to a parent.  Thank you for standing me back up when I could barely breathe.


4.  Judi - thank you for teaching me your craft and sharing your talent.  For loving on me like your second favorite daughter.  Your first favorite (and actual) daughter Heather has been my absolute rock.  She taught me another version of resilience and "I'd rather be happy than sad."


5.  Kara and Maddie - thank for taking a chance on me and allowing me to enter the professional world of event planning.  Thank you for sharing your talents with me and inspiring me to dream BIG.  Click here to see more of their amazing company and incredible creations!


6. Ebs - what a bonus to connect with you and your entrepreneurial spirit.  YOU are the reason I built this website and pushed myself to the next level.  Thank you for believing in me and for the nudge of a lifetime! Click here to learn more about her special company.


7. Jason & Karen - thank you so much for your support, friendship and being my first official wedding and to all the brides/couples that followed - thank you for allowing me to accent your special day.


8. Kassie - thank you for digging in with me and helping create my brand and website.  I love your determination and treasure our friendship and time together.  Jackson would have loved that Luke found such an exceptional partner.


9. Robbyn - thank you for being one of my biggest cheerleaders and President of the Flower Minions.  Looking forward to growing this business with you right next to me!


10. Deanna - I hate to name favorites, but you get to be favorite flower minion because you came first and rescued me that fateful day helping me perfect 13 bridesmaids' bouquets!  Thank you for all of your love and support.  You have been like a second mom to me and I am so grateful.


11. SHEGROWS Gina, Jenni, Alex, Sara, Liz and Jackie - thank you for offering your love and support and a magical/safe place to process my grief of losing Jackson.  Thank you for teaching me so many things about flowers and design and discovering new possibilities in myself.  Each of you have inspired me more than you know.  Click here to learn more about my absolute santuary.  You HAVE to visit!


12.  Stevens & Sons - Albert, Andy, Butch, Audrey, Brandon, Jim and Jennifer - thank you so much for helping me with each event/order.  I have learned so much from y'all and so grateful for our partnership. I always know that you are going to set me up for success and appreciate how well you take care of me!


And lastly, to all of my moms who have lost a child.  Y'all are my lifeline.  I'm so sorry we are members of a club that NO ONE wants to be a part of.  Empathy is a gift and I am grateful that we have each other.  Our children WANT us to live again and you have given me the encouragement to seek out joy and be an inspriration to others - just like Jackson.


I am honored that you are interested in working together, and I can’t wait to meet you!

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